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How to Play 3 Card Baccarat Games?

3 Card (3 Picture/Face) Baccarat is one type of baccarat. Points and picture cards are wagered on by the player, as well as ordered sets. It’s simple and quick to play. This Article will teach you how to play 3 Card Baccarat!

More About 3 Card Baccarat on How to Calculate
>>Online Baccarat Rules of Baccarat Point Calculation

Rules of Singapore Betting Casino 3 Card Baccarat

A baccarat game called Banker is played. If the combined value of three cards on Player’s hand is greater than that of Banker, he wins. The third card, known as 3 Face, is the biggest. Three-card combinations are summed up by other players. Please subtract 10 if it’s under ten. Please subtract 20 if it’s over twenty (if in doubt, assume 1).

1. The Biggest Set:3P,Sets of 3 picture cards (J、Q、K)

2. The Secondary Bigger Set:2 picture cards and card number 9.

3. The Third Bigger Set:1 picture card + the sum of 2 cards equals 9.

Share You 3 Card Baccarat Casino Playing Ways and Odds

– 3 Card Baccarat Playing Ways

1. Player bets with Banker and loses his stake if he wins the hand, which is often the case. Banker acts as a counter bettor against the player in this game type. It’s a frequent playing strategy. In this game type, Player bets with Banker, who receives the biggest digit win if they win. If it’s even, Player can’t get back his stake. The stake remains until the final outcome is determined.

2. Even Bets: Players can also wager even. If it’s even, and the Banker is correctly predicted, Player wins. You won’t be able to bet even until everyone else has already placed bets on all of the other things.

3. 3 Face Bet:Bet on Banker and receive 3 Face.

4. Total Point Bet:Bet on the total points of Banker.

 3 Card Baccarat Odds

  Intro Odds
Player/Banker Bet on Banker or Player, and one of them wins. 1: 1
Tie Bet on Banker or Player, and the result is even. 1: 8
3 Card Bet on Banker, and getting 3 Card (Face). 1: 16

Compare 3 Card Baccarat in Singapore Online Casino

Number Item Set
1 3P 3 picture cards (J, Q, K)
2 2P9 2 picture cards +9
3 P9 1 picture card + sum of 2 cards = 9
4 9 Sum of 3 cards = 9, without picture cards
5 2P8 2 picture cards + 8
6 P8 1 picture card + sum of 2 cards = 8
7 8 Sum of 3 cards = 8, without picture cards
8 2P7 2 picture cards + 7
9 P7 1 picture card + sum of 2 cards = 7
10 7 Sum of 3 cards = 7, without picture cards
11 2P6 2 picture cards + 6
12 P6 1 picture card + sum of 2 cards = 6
13 6 Sum of 3 cards = 6, without picture cards
14 2P5 2 picture cards + 5
15 P5 1 picture card + sum of 2 cards = 5
16 5 Sum of 3 cards = 5, without picture cards
17 2P4 2 picture cards + 4
18 P4 1 picture card + sum of 2 cards = 4
19 4 Sum of 3 cards = 4, without picture cards
20 2P3 2 picture cards + 3
21 P3 1 picture card + sum of 2 cards = 3
22 3 Sum of 3 cards = 3, without picture cards
23 2P2 2 picture cards + 2
24 P2 1 picture card + sum of 2 cards = 2
25 2 Sum of 3 cards = 2, without picture cards
26 2P1 2 picture cards + 1
27 P1 1 picture card + sum of 2 cards = 1
28 1 Sum of 3 cards = 1, without picture cards
29 2P0 2 picture cards + 10
30 P0 1 picture cards + sum of 2 cards = 0 (10 or 20)
31 0 Sum of 3 cards = 0 (10 or 20), without picture cards

【i8 Tips】
Simply saying is that 3 Face is comparing points first, and then comparing the Face cards.

Play Online Baccarat Games in BBIN Game Room

Aren’t you excited to play the game? Are you ready to wager right now? We suggest that you visit the Bet in BBIN Game Room. In addition to online baccarat, roulette games, and so on, there are other Game Rooms in the Singapore Live Gambling Casino Introduction if you want to learn more about them. If you’d like to play the BBIN games right away, simply click the bottom button below. I hope you enjoy your time playing Baccarat games with us!

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